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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The first one

Okay, so I have finished sewing nine aprons. Not bad for 15 days of work. I will be posting pictures of them in the next couple of days as right now I don't have the time. I am really, really busy with all the Diwali preparations. As for my tenth apron, I have run out of I have to shop and hopefully I will complete it and post the pictures along with the others.

In the meantime, I am going to at least write up about first apron. As usual when I don't have things at home, I improvise. In this case I did not have draft paper, so I used a gift wrapping paper to draw up the pattern for the apron.

I pinned it and cut out the pattern on the fabric with an inch of allowance on all sides except the top....

I used the same method to cut out the pattern on the vinyl sheet too which I was using as a lining. The reason for this is......I use an apron  mostly while I am loading the dishwasher. I hate it when the fabric apron gets all wet after I am done. I searched all the stores for an apron with vinyl lining but could not find any.... Its either the fabric or the vinyl. So I decided to make my own. Now, I have the beauty of the fabric on the front side and the functionality of the vinyl on the back.

I will call this particular apron my lazy version of the same. That is because I wanted to finish it really quickly. So all I did  was, I stitched the wrong sides together and kept 4" opening on the top. Inverted it to the right side from the opening and smoothed it out all the way. I then sewed the straps, without really measuring...just eyeballing it. I attached the straps to both the sides near the waist and then both sides around the neck area and finished it with a top-stitch all around.Voila here it is...

Except for the sewing part I have repeated these steps eight more times.

On a side note I would like to add that I am not going to do any project for the month of November. I won't be free because of Diwali and Thanksgiving. In the meantime watch out this space for the pictures of the aprons.