Shabby Blogs Background

Sunday, March 28, 2010

No End in Sight

I got my last shipment of golden glass tiles yesterday. I had ordered the tiles from a dealer online. I have to say the shipment process from this particular dealer was very, very efficient. It took maybe 3 days for me to receive the tiles from the date of placing the order. However, a big however....I can't use those tiles. They are not the color I need. I need dark golden tiles to use for the borders. These tiles are nowhere close to that.

So off to Michael's I have to go again. I have run out of ideas. Maybe I can find something in Michael's that I can improvise with.

Crossing my fingers.........

Monday, March 22, 2010

Update on the Sheesh Mahal project

I am afraid I will not be able to complete this project on time. I realize it was very ambitious of me to undertake this project. I received part of my supplies of scrap glass. I have to individually break them by hand to make smaller pieces. All 7 lbs of them. I have also placed an order online for the glass tiles that I need to use for the borders. It will take another 4 to 5 days to arrive.

In the meantime I am having the time of my life breaking glass. It is a huge stress buster. Here is a peek-a-boo of my work so far. Enjoy

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Naive Self

I knew while starting this project, that it is not going to be easy. I assumed I would get all the supplies in Michaels, Walmart or JoAnns. OH man....I was so naive.

I need mirror tiles, glass tiles, glass gems (pebbles) etc. I need these supplies by the pounds....but these arts & craft stores have them either in pieces or in ounces.  I have been checking online stores and Ebay too for supplies.  I don't like to order these things online as I like to see and feel the stuff that I am buying. I have very specific things I am looking for with regards to the size, colors and  weight. You cannot do that online.  Plus these stores charge an arm and leg for the shipping costs.

On a positive note after a lot of searching, I found a dealer online who had the glass pieces I I ordered about 7 lbs of those.  I hope I get them within the next week. I found the piece of plywood I was looking for in Home Depot and had that cut to 20" x 48". I am planning to hang this wall decor in my living room above the it had to be of that specific size.

I still need a lot of supplies...I may have to spend this rainy and stormy weekend hunting for those in the local stores again. Wish me luck. I have this deep feeling that I am not going to finish this project by March 30th.

The only thing that I have done so far is sketch the pattern on the board.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Big Reveal

I know, I had promised to reveal my next project on Mar 1st...but guess what? I was very very busy. Doing What???

Well after completing all the necessary housework, I started watching TV. Then I spent 3 hours watching 'The Real Housewives of New York'. You see I had missed the last season's I tried to catch up. I also spent the next day watching reruns of ‘The Real Housewives of OC’.

No, I am not a fan of the shows, but somehow I have to admit that it is addicting. What can I say…These reality shows are better scripted than the scripted shows. SHAME ON ME for having wasted my two days.

Anyway now that I have confessed let me proceed to reveal my next project. Last December, I had traveled to Jaipur with my whole family. It is a city in Rajasthan, India. One of the places we visited and which was really memorable to me was the Amber Fort (also known as Amer Fort). It was memorable for two reasons:

First --- the SHEESH MAHAL 
Second --- my fall at the end of the tour and the twisted & sprained ankle that I suffered as a result of that.

I will not write about the fall, but I will write about Sheesh Mahal. It is located within the Amber Fort. If you literally translate it --- it means Palace of Mirrors. Actually it is more of a large hall whose walls and ceilings are decorated with thousands of tiny mirrors. The details in this hall are very intricate and spectacular. It was built for the Queens by the Maharaja. The fort was built in the 16th century and completed by the 18th century. I was really amazed and mesmerized by all the workmanship involved in creation of this beautiful piece of architecture. I can only imagine what it must have looked like in those all its glory. I remember telling my DH that he has to build me a Sheesh Mahal too. After all I am his queen.

After my return back to US, I just was not able to forget about it. As a result of this blog, I got an idea to create a wall décor inspired by Sheesh Mahal.I will give more details tomorrow. In the meantime enjoy the pics.