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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Naive Self

I knew while starting this project, that it is not going to be easy. I assumed I would get all the supplies in Michaels, Walmart or JoAnns. OH man....I was so naive.

I need mirror tiles, glass tiles, glass gems (pebbles) etc. I need these supplies by the pounds....but these arts & craft stores have them either in pieces or in ounces.  I have been checking online stores and Ebay too for supplies.  I don't like to order these things online as I like to see and feel the stuff that I am buying. I have very specific things I am looking for with regards to the size, colors and  weight. You cannot do that online.  Plus these stores charge an arm and leg for the shipping costs.

On a positive note after a lot of searching, I found a dealer online who had the glass pieces I I ordered about 7 lbs of those.  I hope I get them within the next week. I found the piece of plywood I was looking for in Home Depot and had that cut to 20" x 48". I am planning to hang this wall decor in my living room above the it had to be of that specific size.

I still need a lot of supplies...I may have to spend this rainy and stormy weekend hunting for those in the local stores again. Wish me luck. I have this deep feeling that I am not going to finish this project by March 30th.

The only thing that I have done so far is sketch the pattern on the board.

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